Monday, December 05, 2005
Sorry it's been a while!
Hey guys just wanted to give a quick heads up. Sorry I haven't been able to update the blog. It's just so crazy with the wedding coming up. I promise to add some pictures soon. We are trying to keep warm, it's around 17 degrees right now with a wind chill of around 9. Not quite a mild winter that we are used to. Hope everyone is doing well! Email me!
Saturday, October 29, 2005
The fantastic, amazing, thrilling times Of Tiffany's visit to the Crossroads of America!
Tiffany's visit started out slowly, there was corn.... and more corn..... then some bad drivers... and more corn.
The fun picked up on saturday with a visit to CHICAGO! There was some kind of baseball game going on, but we just ignored the crazies in the streets. Very strange people out, they were wandering the streets wearing black shirts that said White on them... anywho, after our fun tour of the city we needed a small snack to revive our spirits. The top of the John Hancock building Tiffany had to be peer pressured into finishing her drink.

The view from our table. The only problem is you get crazy "tourists" leaning over your seats to get a better view for themselves, so rude!
We were then off to feast upon roast fowl and Mcdonalds apple pies(explained later)

Alas we were more concerned with hitting the bar than taking pictures of the inside of the castle. We were able to meet and greet our knights afterwards and got some good pictures.
Here are some Pre-Show pictures.....

As you can see, we didn't have time to take pictures of the castle.....

This was our "evil, foul, loathsome green knight"! We asked to sit in his section because we got to be the rowdiest and boo at all the wholesome brave knights. BOOOOO

Tiffany and his Highness Alfonso the Conquerer and his white trash bleached daughter, who we did not take a picture of.

Tiffany and our "MC" who was really funny but seemed to make it his job to point out that we were drunks. Heck we had a good time!
Our Sunday consisted of visiting the fabulous Indianapolis Motor Speedway!!!!

For my fourth time on this tour, it keeps getting better and better LOL

Tiffany framed by the Pagoda and Scoring tower.

Tiff was getting a bit rummy and thought she could fly!
That concludes our fun packed weekend, check back soon see the "Great Chicago Shopping Trip 2005"
Tiffany's visit started out slowly, there was corn.... and more corn..... then some bad drivers... and more corn.
The fun picked up on saturday with a visit to CHICAGO! There was some kind of baseball game going on, but we just ignored the crazies in the streets. Very strange people out, they were wandering the streets wearing black shirts that said White on them... anywho, after our fun tour of the city we needed a small snack to revive our spirits. The top of the John Hancock building Tiffany had to be peer pressured into finishing her drink.

The view from our table. The only problem is you get crazy "tourists" leaning over your seats to get a better view for themselves, so rude!
We were then off to feast upon roast fowl and Mcdonalds apple pies(explained later)

Alas we were more concerned with hitting the bar than taking pictures of the inside of the castle. We were able to meet and greet our knights afterwards and got some good pictures.
Here are some Pre-Show pictures.....

As you can see, we didn't have time to take pictures of the castle.....

This was our "evil, foul, loathsome green knight"! We asked to sit in his section because we got to be the rowdiest and boo at all the wholesome brave knights. BOOOOO

Tiffany and his Highness Alfonso the Conquerer and his white trash bleached daughter, who we did not take a picture of.

Tiffany and our "MC" who was really funny but seemed to make it his job to point out that we were drunks. Heck we had a good time!
Our Sunday consisted of visiting the fabulous Indianapolis Motor Speedway!!!!

For my fourth time on this tour, it keeps getting better and better LOL

Tiffany framed by the Pagoda and Scoring tower.

Tiff was getting a bit rummy and thought she could fly!
That concludes our fun packed weekend, check back soon see the "Great Chicago Shopping Trip 2005"
Sunday, October 09, 2005
Finally an update!
Well with no further wedding info to post right now I thought I would post a few pictures from our exciting Sunday for you!

Here is our pretty mums on the front entry. The empty grey container on the step is waiting for me to find something to put in it. Cameron tried to plant a couple of lightbulbs but nothing grew.

Here is our brand new compost bin. Made all by ourselves thank you very much! We found out that our trash service won't pick up yard waste until the leaves start falling. So all our grass clippings have been getting thrown in the trash. We'll see how our bin does, hopefully getting some good soil to put on our flowers next year.

Cameron tried to compost poor Parker.

See we do have some leaves already falling! Our nieghbors were concerned we cut our grass soo short, but heck it was like 6 inches tall before we started, we thought they would be happy!

I just thought I would take a closer picture of the house.

And finally our shame....... granted it was like that when we moved in(there was a lightening strike that killed the other large tree in the front yard and burned all the grass). But when you live on a street where it looks like someone should be setting up to tee off on your neighbors lawn, there is a fierce competition for having good grass. We decided that as soon as we can next spring, we are having the whole front yard torn up and hydroseeded to start over.

Here is our pretty mums on the front entry. The empty grey container on the step is waiting for me to find something to put in it. Cameron tried to plant a couple of lightbulbs but nothing grew.

Here is our brand new compost bin. Made all by ourselves thank you very much! We found out that our trash service won't pick up yard waste until the leaves start falling. So all our grass clippings have been getting thrown in the trash. We'll see how our bin does, hopefully getting some good soil to put on our flowers next year.

Cameron tried to compost poor Parker.

See we do have some leaves already falling! Our nieghbors were concerned we cut our grass soo short, but heck it was like 6 inches tall before we started, we thought they would be happy!

I just thought I would take a closer picture of the house.

And finally our shame....... granted it was like that when we moved in(there was a lightening strike that killed the other large tree in the front yard and burned all the grass). But when you live on a street where it looks like someone should be setting up to tee off on your neighbors lawn, there is a fierce competition for having good grass. We decided that as soon as we can next spring, we are having the whole front yard torn up and hydroseeded to start over.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Hotel/Motel info
I just wanted to provide a list for anyone that was thinking of spending Saturday night in Ocean Shores. The wedding will be over in time for anyone who wants to, to drive home. If you are staying, I would suggest calling soon as the hotels are filling up fast for New Years.
HolidayInn Express 888-770-7878
Best Western Lighthouse Inn 800-757-7873
Quality Inn 800-228-5151
Sands Resort 800-841-4001
Shilo Inn 800-222-2244
If you need more hotels to contact you can visit and click on lodging for a full list.
HolidayInn Express 888-770-7878
Best Western Lighthouse Inn 800-757-7873
Quality Inn 800-228-5151
Sands Resort 800-841-4001
Shilo Inn 800-222-2244
If you need more hotels to contact you can visit and click on lodging for a full list.
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
We have a Venue!

As soon as the contracts are signed we have a location for the wedding! You can click on this link to access their website . I will be adding a list of local Motels/Hotels soon if anyone is interested in spending the night in Ocean Shores.
Sorry I haven't updated!
I know I know, bad blogger, but I've been busy really!! If you haven't heard I got a new job! Yup fully employed. I work for Monster now, and have a great new boss! I even have a cube with a door! So far everyone has been really nice.
I also thought that we could use our blog to keep everyone up to day on plans for the wedding, before the invites go out. So stay tuned!

Monday, September 05, 2005
Update on the "children"
Here are some recent pictures of the boys and Lexi, recently as in within the last 24 hours!

Lexi in one of her favorite places to watch Brewster and Parker run amuck in the basement

Here are the "boys" resting in their matching beds in the sitting room.

Lexi in one of her favorite places to watch Brewster and Parker run amuck in the basement

Here are the "boys" resting in their matching beds in the sitting room.
Weekend projects!
Monday, August 22, 2005
Sorry I know it's been a while!
We haven't had a spare second to take more pictures, what with working t the fair everyday and Cameron putting in full days at work. Here are a couple to tide you over until I can get the camera from Cameron.
Here is a pic of the hall bathroom, not sure yet what I'm going to do with the wallpaper, for now at least it is going to stay as is.

Here is the border in the living room, I swear it's stuck on with some kind of space age glue. Cameron says I'm not allowed to pick at it until I'm ready to finish the whole room :)

I just thought this was a neat picture of our basement stairs I'm standing in the room we had dubbed "the boiler room" muwahahah

Here is the border in the living room, I swear it's stuck on with some kind of space age glue. Cameron says I'm not allowed to pick at it until I'm ready to finish the whole room :)

I just thought this was a neat picture of our basement stairs I'm standing in the room we had dubbed "the boiler room" muwahahah
Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Yes it's official! With a few small hiccups in the process, we signed for the house this morning! We will be able to pick up the keys from the realator tomorrow morning. And hopefully start the cleaning/painting process. We have the furniture being delivered on Friday and having a person come out to look at putting our fence in for the puppies. We met the previous owners and they were very nice, gave us some tips about the house and the plants and lawn (which we had some questions about) but all in all a good experience and we can finally breathe a sigh of relief!
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Not much to report
Well I don't have much to report this week, I've been working at the county fair all week. Yesterday was a great day it was only 77 degrees. A huge break from the 107 heat index from the day before. Today is looking to be cooler also. I'm working the 4 to 10 shift so this week has been pretty much shot. I was supposed to be having a joint garage sale with the neighbors this weekend, but am no where near ready. I've decided to have one here after we have moved to the new house. That way I won't have to move junk we aren't keeping. Cameron has had a full schedule all week, so we are both just pooped at the end of the day.
I am going to make a serious effort to get a large portion of our packing and sorting done this weekend. At least the clothes and items we don't need right now. We did get the first delivery for our new furniture.... two pillows we ordered for the chairs. I made Cameron keep them in the bag so they wouldn't get dirty :) I can see it now "don't sit on those chairs, their for company" LOL.
I am going to make a serious effort to get a large portion of our packing and sorting done this weekend. At least the clothes and items we don't need right now. We did get the first delivery for our new furniture.... two pillows we ordered for the chairs. I made Cameron keep them in the bag so they wouldn't get dirty :) I can see it now "don't sit on those chairs, their for company" LOL.
Friday, July 22, 2005
Hi I'm Michele and I have a small shopping problem.
Well actually WE have a small shopping problem. The furniture bug has bit again, and we swear this is the very last time. We saw a great deal on a bedroom set at a local furniture store here and decided to just go "take a look at it". Uh huh sure, well we didn't buy the furniture that was the really good deal (we'd be lucky if that set would have lasted us five years). But we did purchased an entirely different set!
Although its hard to tell in the picture it's not as traditional as it looks in person. It's a very dark cherry finish, that goes from black to dark red. It also has silver/nickle looking accents on the posts of the bed that matches the dresser knobs.
We purchased the bed, two nightstands, the dress with mirror, and also a tall chest dresser that they don't show in the picture.
Although its hard to tell in the picture it's not as traditional as it looks in person. It's a very dark cherry finish, that goes from black to dark red. It also has silver/nickle looking accents on the posts of the bed that matches the dresser knobs.
We purchased the bed, two nightstands, the dress with mirror, and also a tall chest dresser that they don't show in the picture.
But seriuosly this is the very, very last item we are purchasing until next year...... I hope.........
Thursday, July 14, 2005
It has been requested that I update our blog with "anything" so there is something new to look at. So here is what I have for you today :)

Corn starts to randomly grow in your front yard, the neighbors are embarrased and have asked if we knew we had corn in our yard. I figured I'd leave it there until fall it will make a nice decoration.

You removed a tire to fix it on a 80 degree day and the next day it's 65 and raining, Cameron assures me this rust situation is very common. The real bad news is that this is only the first tire and we haven't even started the other side yet.

You abuse your mumms and hack them down to the ground (thanks for the info Tiff) and they have already grown back and started to bloom with the muggy weather we are having.
Sunday, July 03, 2005
Real Furniture!
I can't believe I'm 28 years old and have never bought new furniture! This was a very exciting experience for me, It was old hat for Cameron. Here are the couches we bought, I couldn't find a picture of the chairs but I did find the fabric, so bear with me in the descriptions.

We bought two of these couches, but in a cypress green color with a red thread going through it. One sofa is a double recliner the other is a hide-a-bed. (Don't mind the nice lady sitting on our couches, we tried to make her move but she wouldn't budge)

The red of this couch is the throw pillows for our green couches above. The patterned pillows on this couch are the fabric we ordered our two side chairs we ordered for the room off the kitchen.
Not much else has been happening with regards to the house we are just waiting to sign the final paperwork. We are also putting in our request to have our fence built. Since we will need to start that as soon as we take possession of the house.
As for the rest of our lives, we went out to Cameron's bosses house last night and had an early Fourth of July. Actually we were just going to light off a few and then it became a contest with the neighbors. Oh well it was still lots of fun.

We bought two of these couches, but in a cypress green color with a red thread going through it. One sofa is a double recliner the other is a hide-a-bed. (Don't mind the nice lady sitting on our couches, we tried to make her move but she wouldn't budge)

The red of this couch is the throw pillows for our green couches above. The patterned pillows on this couch are the fabric we ordered our two side chairs we ordered for the room off the kitchen.
Not much else has been happening with regards to the house we are just waiting to sign the final paperwork. We are also putting in our request to have our fence built. Since we will need to start that as soon as we take possession of the house.
As for the rest of our lives, we went out to Cameron's bosses house last night and had an early Fourth of July. Actually we were just going to light off a few and then it became a contest with the neighbors. Oh well it was still lots of fun.
Friday, June 10, 2005
They accepted our offer on the house!!
We just got word today that our offer on the house was accepted! We are going to work on the paperwork this weekend to get everything finalized. We have a home inspection on Tuesday, but I thought you guys might like some new pictures first!

Front entry from the living room

Kitchen left

Kitchen right

Back side of kitchen facing family room

laundry area leading to powder room

Second floor hallway taken from guest room

Left side of sun room

Sunroom from backyard

Walking trail behind house
House from the street

Front entry from the living room

Kitchen left

Kitchen right

Back side of kitchen facing family room

laundry area leading to powder room

Second floor hallway taken from guest room

Left side of sun room

Sunroom from backyard

Walking trail behind house
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Here are a few pictures from the race and the track from last month.

By the way the hat I'm wearing was chewed up by Parker a few days ago grrrr!

This was the B2 that flew over the stands, it was amazing how quiet it was.

Cameron and I with Tom Carnegie the "voice" of the Indy 500 celebrating his 60th year at the track as announcer.

This kid had a tricked out wagon!

By the way the hat I'm wearing was chewed up by Parker a few days ago grrrr!

This was the B2 that flew over the stands, it was amazing how quiet it was.

Cameron and I with Tom Carnegie the "voice" of the Indy 500 celebrating his 60th year at the track as announcer.

This kid had a tricked out wagon!
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