We haven't had a spare second to take more pictures, what with working t the fair everyday and Cameron putting in full days at work. Here are a couple to tide you over until I can get the camera from Cameron.

Here is a pic of the hall bathroom, not sure yet what I'm going to do with the wallpaper, for now at least it is going to stay as is.

Here is the border in the living room, I swear it's stuck on with some kind of space age glue. Cameron says I'm not allowed to pick at it until I'm ready to finish the whole room :)

I just thought this was a neat picture of our basement stairs I'm standing in the room we had dubbed "the boiler room" muwahahah
See, that's all you needed to do, we aren't hard to please! That bathroom looks nice and bright and should be easy to live with the wallpaper for now.
Repeat after me, no picking, no picking, no picking! See, I know you, I have bits of wallpaper in my kitchen that have seen your urge to pick! :)
Do the stairs have a railing on just the one side? That's going to take some major babyproofing! (In the future, folks that are reading the comments, don't get all excited yet! :)
That boiler room looks more like a pool room to me :)
Can't wait to see what you end up doing with the place, keep the pics coming!
I dont know about everyone else but I vote to leave the wallpaper and boarder. FOREVER!!!! It's so you and Cameron :) LOVE YA!!!!!
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