Thursday, May 21, 2009

Pictures on the walls

Cameron and I had some trouble deciding on what should go on the walls in Scarlett's room. We both seemed to have opposite ideas on the matter. But a semi-late night trip to Michaels made us decide on two new pictures. We also hung up the shelf that matches the changing table.


Friday, May 15, 2009

Regarding Questions that were asked.....

Anonymous party checking in....

Okay, just a few things (for now).

1. What is the official stance on ~headbands~? Yes, she is allowed to wear them or Hell No, not my kid. Necessary information for shopping purposes. (Remember to be flexible in the case of Hell No, she may be bald!) Although I do fear for those poor babies you see with headbands on so tight their soft little skulls must be reshaping. I'm not completely opposed to headbands, I do think the ones with big crazy gerber daisy flowers on them are disgustingly cute, I am also a fan of hats so if our little girl is bald I'm sure we can find some options besides just wrapping her head in a doo-rag.


2. Stuffed animals? Yay or don't overload us too much? (As the owner of 3 large stuffed animal items, be careful what you wish for!) I am from the better a few well choses animals than crazy hanging nets all over the room camp. Trying to keep the stuffed animals contained is a challange. They tend to be dust magnets and in our house the dogs have a hard time distinguishing between "THEIR" toys and the "baby's".

3. Are you encouraging full name usage and avoiding any nicknames? ~Scar~ does have a certain ring to it! Hey, if she is some tough tattooed chick when she grows up, she'll thank you for the name. Scar is most definetly not a preffered nickname. As we still call her Doodle or Doodlebug those of course are accepted and if someone has the need to shorten her name then her initials spell out SAM which we also like.

4. Are there any restrictions on toy buying, i.e. would you prefer toys that don't include plastics that could possibly turn her into reptile or are you in the camp of hey, it's all good for her immune system? Unfortanetly I have not jumped on the crazy train regarding toxic chemicals and lead based paints. If I was concerned about lead my dear husband would just bring home a few lead samplers to check for any problem toys. That being said many a child has spent hours of fun and frivolity enjoying simple wood toys. Those are always welcome along with the the plastic toys. Now we are trying to avoid bottles and such with BPA, but that isn't hard since most manufacturers are switching away from that chemical anyway.

5. Open question, allowing for any random information you would like to provide like ~no princess crap~ (oh wait, that is my bias, skip over that if princess crap is okay) heh...if you would like to encourage gender free toys...if you want to make sure she has an anatomically correct baby doll...if you have decided to only dress her in pink, purple, and subtle shades of pale yellow....whatever other tidbits of info we should know! Althought Scarlett is already being referred to as a "little princess" I personally am not a big fan of the mass merchandising of Disney's little princesses crap, I mean products. Cameron also isn't a fan. It seems like corporate brainwashing and leads you down a trail filled with items that just make the Disney shareholders richer. So Scarlett has her rather large Tonka truck still in the closet along with books on bugs and a football. She has a collection of black and red shirts started by mommy to counteract all the pastels and I think anything that is anatomically correct may cause Cameron to rethink how early he's having the bird and the bees talk!

Thank you for your time and attention to these important and life altering questions.

Please feel free to post any other questions you may have regarding this fun and crazy time in our lives!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Ok, I know you just can't stand to go a day or two without some more minutia about our nursery preperations LOL. So here is the furniture in its hopefuly final place. Now comes the decorating as the walls are looking a little bare. We are ordering Scarlett's monogram in vinyl lettering for above her bed. Just a little something different than the usual wood letter cutouts. We also have the curtains to hang and all the accessories that came with the bedding. And there is a large shelf with pegs that will go above the changing table soon. P.S. don't mind the junk in the hallway, we had a lot of stuff to move out of that room :)


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Working on Scarlett's Room

Cameron was a trouper last week and got all of the remaining wall boarder out of Scarlett's room. Then we got to painting, once that was done Cameron worked to get the chair rail up, and with a funny shaped room it wasn't easy. So now we just have some paint touch ups to do and a few more nails here and there and we will be able to start deciding where her furniture should go.

2009 Mini's on the Dragon

Here are a few pics from Camerons adventures on the Dragon. He went with our friends Alex and Amie and their cuddly puppy Sherman.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

23 Week appointment

Had our 23 week appt yesterday. Baby is doing well and growing. Her heartbeat is still in the 140's like usual. Next appt we will be doing the gestational diabetes test on June 4th. Tiff and Jen were nice enough to sort through our baby clothes while they were here to tell us were we needed to get a few more things. I guess I'm drawn to bigger clothes as we are short on newborn clothes and then again at 9 months. But its good to know were to focus our efforts on.

And I've been requested by and anonymous party to ask if anyone has any questions about the pregnany/baby and such. So feel free to post any questions and I'll answer them on the next post!