Friday, July 28, 2006

Living room update!

This was the best I could do even with the blinds open. I'll see what happens in direct sunlight. But this gives you an idea.
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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
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Monday, July 24, 2006

Ok, I'm lame

I tried to take pictures of our completed grown up new living room. And duh, I tried taking them at 11:30 at night with no natural light. So guess what the pictures are too dark. I will retry in the morning. But to give you a hint, I'm posting Camerons new stereo and the super special cord cover that he put on AND hand painted himself to match the wall.

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Friday, July 14, 2006

Feed your dog..........or else.

Cameron said he wasn't able to punish the no-no bad dog for sitting on the end table, because he was laughing too hard. Plus as he explains it, he came downstairs, saw her then had to go back up the stairs to get the camera and come back down hoping she hasn't moved. The creepy eyes were just added effect of "let me in or else".
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Thursday, July 06, 2006

Ok, Quiz time

Tell me the story of how Michele chipped two teeth involving the following items....

1. A meat thermometer
2. Meatloaf
3. Roasted potatos
4. A hot pad

After you have figured that one out, here is a little update. As requested I won't show off my tomato plants that have at least 20 green tomatos hanging off of each plant... but look at this bad boy.
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Is that a quarter next to that zucchini or are you just happy to see me? LOL I'm not sure if we picked it too soon. I'm not versed on these things.