Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Just for Mom

I've been promising mom a picture of my license plate......

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Plants, plants, plants...........

Ok, anyone that knows me can attest to the fact that I can kill a cactus. But I have decided to try and coax my green thumb out and have found that if I ignore it, it will grow. My new motto :)

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Ok, I can't take credit for our "shame" looking better, Cameron has fertilized and seeded the tar out of it and it's showing some progress.

These are my pride and joy, we started these from 3" starts. And they have gone crazy.
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Camerons red pepper plant I think he is planning on making chili.

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My zuchini plant, i was smart and only planted one, and it's already doubled!

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My tomatos!!! There are 5 plants all different types, from beefstake to yellow and romas

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These are my day lillys that I plants these are the first blooms that opened today.

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Here is my other bucket that is almost ready to bloom.

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These I can't take credit for they were here when we bought the house but they are so pretty

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Ditto on these.