Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Yes it has been a while.....

So life is hectic and things are always changing. We have had a number of exciting things happen since my last post. November I found out that I was being layed off from my job. Although this was a bit of a shock, my company did (more importantly) my bosses made the transition easy. They gave me options for a different job which I ended up not taking. And a package that made it possible for Cam and I to spend the holidays with our family with very little worry. Seattle was crazy and snowy and much colder than when we left home. It was great seeing everyone and we enjoyed our time out there. Two weeks was a long time to be away from home, especially considering we DROVE the entire way.

Right before we left, literally the same day we got another surprise for our trip.


Although Cam was a little shocked, we were both very exciting. But the 3000k mile car trip looming ahead of us was a little more daunting all of a sudden. As we had just found out, we decided to keep this little secret to ourselves while we were visiting family. Although My icy fall in the Target parking lot would have seemed much more dramatic had my mom known!

When we got back we were able to see the doctor and got our first glimpse at what we now affectionately call the "Doodle".


This was 6 weeks 0 days, heart rate was 119 and everything looked good. Doctor decided to put my on prometrium which is synthetic progesterone to help balance out my levels. And so far the meds are sitting fairly well.

We got another peak at 9 weeks 0 days and the Doodles heart rate was up to 171.


So we are cautious but still happy and excited. We will try to keep updates on here for family and friends. We won't get another peek at the baby until some time around April so we will just have to be patient until then!

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