Came home to ANOTHER hole scratched in the wall, about 6 inches from the one cameron is working on patching. Cameron decided to punish him by making him stay outside in the cold for all of about 15 minutes. He's such a stern disciplinarian. Looks like I'll be the big meeny to our "kids". So I told Parker how terrible he was and made him watch while I sprayed the spot with apple bitter. We'll see if that helps. He's currently sitting under my legs trying to soak up all the heat from my little forced air heater, since Cameron is being a miser with the heat!! I wish we had a radiator that I could hit with a wrench and yell "send up some heat!" Granted he does make sure it comes on in the mornings, otherwise he would never get me out of our warm toasty bed.
We spent last weekend thinking about doing yard work. We even ventured out to buy a tree trimmer that we haven't removed from the packaging yet. Heck we are the only house on the block that has two trees with green leaves on them still. Of course we will also be the only ones raking our leaves in DECEMBER! Shovel snow, pick up leaves, repeat......